Monday, January 22, 2007

The Purple Line is Fading

I was on Figueroa and 2nd street today, and noticed that the purple line is fading away. Any true Angelino knows the line of which I am speaking. It's the strip of bright purple paint on both sides of Figueroa about 4 feet from the curb. Every year, when the Lakers win the championship they have a parade down Fig. The lines in the road are designed to keep the crowds back. The people aren't allowed to cross that line. If they do, they risk being struck by one of the passing vehicles or cops on motorcycles and bikes that are zipping past. Nothing else would reall happen to them though. No one is really going to go to all the trouble of removing a spectator from the event simply because he crossed the line of lavendar.
But for the most part, the crowds really do stay behind the line. Odd as it may seem, the same fans that overturned a police car, set it on fire, and rioted down the streets of downtown Los Angeles after the 2000 championship win, and again the year after or 2002, (I forget which), later obeidiantly stood behind the purple line and cheered for their NBA Champs.
Strange isn't it?
But what I noticed today reminded me of how long it has been since the purple paint has been brought out from some street maintanence yard and sprayed down onto Fig.
I told you we should've kept Shaq.
It's still there though. It hasn't completely faded away. Maybe this year we'll get the chance to dust off the buckets of purple stain.
Peace -RG

1 comment:

cutting-edge-interest said...

I was so pissed that they not only traded shaq, but also the way they did it. I don't even watch basketball anymore.